T2 - The Arcade Game
T2 - The Arcade Game


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The evil machines are trying to rise again and you are tasked with saving the leader of the resistance, John Connor, and his mother, Sarah Connor. There's just one massive difference this time though: You saviour is the same machine that tried to kill you the last time! As the T-800 Terminator cyborg you have been reprogrammed and are now tasked with beating other robots and saving John from the T-1000 machine that is superior in almost every way! Fight the shape-shifting robot whenever you encounter it!

If you found that awesome Sega Master System classic to your liking and you'd love to hit more great games from this excellent genre then all you need to do is click on over to play more greaqts, such as Werewolf: The Last Warrior, Pitfall 3D - Beyond The Jungle and the amazing Crash Bandicoot!