Hang-On & Astro Warrior
Hang-On & Astro Warrior


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Choose between which of the amazing classics you prefer in this double whammy of excellent games Hang-On & Astro Warrior. In the fantastic Hang-On you can get your wicked-fast motorbiking on by racing through the busy streets to beat other competitors over the finish line. In the amazing Astro Warrior you are tasked with piloting a cool space ship through the darks of space at super speeds to blast the hell out of an evil alien force! Take your pick!

For those that loved that incredible and cool double whammy why not take a look through the extensive list of other games from this cool console in the Sega Master System archives. to just play other excellent titles from this genre then you may prefer to play Activision Classics, The Flintstones - Bedrock Bowling and the fantastic KISS Pinball!