Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd


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Set in the 22nd century when everyone lives in futuristic cityscapes where police officers and lawyers no longer exist, only the Judges rule the lands. Starting in Mega-City One you must cruise the city as Judge Dredd and catch criminals in the act, but instead of taking them to court you must decide on the spot whether to jail them or execute them! One of your fellow judges, Judge Rico, goes however and you must embark on an epic mission to bring him and all the city's bad elements to justice!

Big fans of this epic title that want more action from PRG released on this cool system, why not take a trip over to explore the Sega Game Gear archives. If you judge yourself as an awesome upholder of the law then you may well be interested in playing Judge Dredd and the all out action bball Blockbuster Competition 2 - NBA Jam & Judge Dredd!