Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap
Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap


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In the amazingly cool Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap you must take control of the awesome Wonder Boy after he has been cursed by the Mecha Dragon and you must battle your way to find Salamander Cross to have the curse lifted! There's a horrid thing to the curse, it turned Wonder Boy into Lizard-Man, and so you have to unearth clues to his lizardy curse to explore more exciting areas of Monster Land until you find Salamander Cross and free your hero from this terrible curse.

The guys at Sega Master System sure released some fire! If you liked that excellent title and would love more badass gaming then why not take a shot at other cool titles, such as Werewolf: The Last Warrior, Pitfall 3D - Beyond The Jungle and the fantastic Crash Bandicoot.