Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker


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Become a moonwalking, singing and general cool superstar and hunt to free kidnapped kids from the evil Mr. Big. Cruise the deadly city streets and pull special moves to fire magic and wicked musical talents at enemies to defeat them all, clear the streets and free the children from the grips of the horrible Mr. Big. Dance through the dangerous streets, bars and much more as you free the kids and vanquish the gangsters and bring Mr. Big to justice!

Big fans of that excellently crafted classic that just want to try their hand at other cool greats, such as Activision Classics, The Flintstones - Bedrock Bowling and the puckered up KISS Pinball! If you're just on the lookout for more nice games from this fantastic console then take a look at more greats from the Sega Master System section of the site.